
The creative design metropolis at the Mediterranean Sea. Time-honored and absolutely trendy at the same time. Beginning with the unusual architecture. The historical town center with his numerous Gothic historical monuments doesn’t bear the name Barri Gòtic by chance. Besides this the Catalan Art Nouveau. Dominated by the great son of the city. Antoni Gaudí designed many important buildings. His greatest and most beautiful project isn’t completed yet: the basilica Sagrada Família. The Torre Agbar stands in place for the many award-winning postmodern buildings. On the strolling promenades Las Ramblas and Passeig de Gràcia life is raving. The splendour boulevard Rambla del Raval is the hip cultural and bar mile all around the Museum for Contemporary Art. The energy of the town discharges in the excessive nightlife. Starting in the cafés and bars it continues in the clubs. Departure at two o’clock a.m. Arrival sometime in the next morning. Chill out at the seaside on the municipal beaches of Barcelona. The golden sand allows to sunbathe stylishly. Water sportsmen enjoy themselves while surfing, sailing or kiting. You will find the Hotspots under City Action. At the seafront one can also dine outstandingly. Some of the best restaurants of Barcelona serve the exquisite Catalan kitchen here – for gourmets one of the best and most innovative of Europe, read all about it under City Food.

Image: Valeriya Potapova

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